Vidyamandir Trust Palanpur has brought home multiple awards from the CVMU Hackthon organized by CVM University, Vallabh Vidhyanagar Anand. Out of the total 300 teams registered, 8 teams from Vidyamnadir participated and showcased their exceptional skills.
Vidyamandir teams have won the award winner prize of Rs. 5000 and 1st runner-up prize of Rs. 3000, along with an appreciation amount of Rs. 1000 for each team.
Vidyamandir firmly believes that such opportunities provide a platform for students to explore their potential and contribute to society.
It is a moment of immense pride for Vidyamandir and it congratulates the students for their remarkable achievement.
Vidyamandir also extends gratitude to CVM University, for providing such an excellent platform for the students to showcase their talents.
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